Latchkey is before and after school childcare for children who are in grades K-5. Latchkey is available at all elementary schools: Belle River, Gearing, Palms, and Pine River. Latchkey is available two sessions a day: 6:30 a.m. until the beginning of school and 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. For more information about the Latchkey program, contact Susan Stringer at 810.676.1115.
Latchkey Registration Information
$9.75 per session
$15.00 for early-release sessions
$20 for half-day sessions
School year registration fee is $35 per child or $60 per family
Latchkey Registration Packet 2024-25
Latchkey Parent Manual 2024-25
Please read through the packet of information and fill out the registration form for Latchkey services. When you complete the form, please deliver it to your child’s school office.
You will receive sign-up information once your registration form has been received with a current email address. You will then be able to sign up with or the Procare app on your smart device.
Note: All payments are made online through Procare. If you have any questions, please call 810.676.1115

Summer Adventure
The Summer Adventure program runs throughout the summer coinciding with East China School District’s summer vacation. The tuition-based program is available for children in grades one through five. Summer Adventure provides a camp-like atmosphere with planned recreational activities. For more information about the Summer Adventure program please call Susan Stringer at 810.676.1115.