Benchmark Assessment Information and Progress Monitoring/Screening

All students in grades Young 5's through 10th grade complete the NWEA Benchmark MAP Growth Assessment series, three times per school year. The assessment is completed during the Fall, Winter, and Spring. Below are some helpful links to help families/students understand the MAP Growth Assessment Series.

All students in grades Young 5's to 5th Grade will complete the Acadience Progress Monitoring Screening Assessment three times per school year. This will be completed following the NWEA Benchmark Assessment series. Our building teams will utilize this data to form their small groups for work with during WIN (What I Need) Time.


Curriculum  Diagram

Elementary school is a time of tremendous wonder, discovery and growth for children in kindergarten through grade five. Our young learners engage in a comprehensive educational program that develops their thinking and communication skills and teaches them the joy of learning.

Elementary Curriculum & Pacing Guide

Tier I Elementary English Language Arts Program Information

Open Court Reading Overview (Implemented 2022/2023 School Year)

Open Court Reading Overview

The Science of Reading Virtual Classroom (Made Available to All Staff and Families)

Kindergarten Pacing Guide

1st Grade Pacing Guide

2nd Grade Pacing Guide

3rd Grade Pacing Guide

4th Grade Pacing Guide

5th Grade Pacing Guide

Middle school is full of change. Our young adults discover and develop diverse interests and grow intellectually, socially, and emotionally. The combination of a secure environment and knowledgeable staff nurtures that development through academic challenge and creative stimulation. Opportunities abound for our high school learners. Academic excellence is a tradition at our high schools. Students balance academic requirements with increased responsibility, independence, and leadership.

Secondary Curriculum & Pacing Guide

Positivity Project Curriculum


Click on the links to view the puberty presentations used in the 4th and 5th-grade classrooms at ECSD.

4th grade (girls) – “Always Changing – Girls”

5th grade– “Always Changing – Co-ed”

You're Not a Little Kid Anymore

4th grade (boys) – “You're Not a Little Kid Anymore Personal Hygiene”

HIV Session
5th grade – HIV and ME video


East China School District is committed to a continual process of improvement throughout each building and across the district. School Improvement Plans are reviewed, updated, and submitted to the Michigan Department of Education annually.

Annual Education Reports

East China School District is committed to a continual process of improvement throughout each building and across the district. Our annual education reports are prepared by our building leaders on an annual basis to share results of building initiatives and testing data with parents.

Secondary Course Guides

These secondary (grades 6-12) course guides provide students and families with an overview of the courses that are offered in the East China School District. Students and families will need to work closely with their guidance counselors in order to formulate a plan that best meets the needs of the student.