Bond 2020 Information

East China Schools – Building Our Future

Early Learning Center

The Grand Opening of the Early Learning Center was held on October 27, 2022. We are very thankful to our community for the passing of Bond 2020 ensuring our young learners have a beautiful, well equipped center to learn in. Thank you!

Innovation Center

The Innovation Center welcomed students to this beautiful space in the 2023-24 school year.

Marine City 6-12 Building

The Marine City 6-12 Campus construction is in full swing!

St. Clair 6-12 Building

The St. Clair 6-12 Campus gym addition and new athletic entrance.

The construction process for the remainder of the renovation work is currently underway.

Bond 2020 Proposal - A new bond program was developed. Highlights of the new bond proposal include:

After the May 2019 bond was defeated, the school district set out to understand and listen to what the community felt. A survey was conducted of voters and many conversations with community members took place to listen and truly understand what happened. Using that feedback, the District began the process of redeveloping a bond program that would meet the guiding principles established by our strategic planning committees and our bond steering committees. The guiding principles that the committees developed include:

  • Safety enhancements for our school buildings

  • Upgraded technology district-wide

  • Increased opportunities for our students

  • Infrastructure upgrades leading to operational efficiency

  • Along with respect for community traditions and spirit.

A new bond program proposal that meets the abovementioned guiding principles was developed. Highlights of the new bond proposal include:

  • Two High Schools remain at their current locations

  • Infrastructure, technology, and security upgrades remain a focus of the 2020 program

  • Exciting program opportunities are expanded for students

  • Overall Bond Scope has been reduced by 25%, thus reducing the impact to taxpayers

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