Special Education

Our Mission
The East China School District’s Special Education Department, in partnership with students, families, ECSD staff and the community, ensures all students an opportunity to  receive an appropriate education, building on individual strengths and talents, which will  enable each student to become a socially responsible, contributing member in the community.

Programs and Services
The Special Education Department provides a continuum of programs and services for identified disabled students, from birth to age 26. All students will be educated in the least restrictive environment (LRE), meaning that students will be placed in the educational program/setting that is most appropriate to his/her needs and least restrictive of his/her interactions with non-disabled peers. Speech and language therapy, school social work services, educationally relevant occupational and physical therapy, early childhood programs and classroom programs are some of the programs and services provided. Center-based programs are available within St. Clair County in cooperation with St. Clair County RESA.

Child Find
East China School District is committed to providing students with disabilities a free and appropriate public education consistent with federal and state laws. ECSD offers evaluations, programs, and services to individuals who are identified as having, or who are suspected of having a disability as defined in either the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. These services are available to eligible person’s ages 0-26 who reside within, or attend a K-12 school program within the East China School District attendance boundaries. For more information about services, parent/student rights or referral procedures, please contact the East China School District Department of Special Education.

Special Education Documents and Links

  1. Process for Determining Specific Learning Disability

  2. Procedural Safeguards

  3. St. Clair County Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)

  4. The PAC represents the St. Clair County RESA and local school districts as parents of children receiving special education services in St. Clair County.