Welcome to ECSD – The Enrollment Office is located at 1585 Meisner Rd., East China 48054. Please use the Innovation Center entrance. When you arrive please ring the doorbell for entry. You can reach the enrollment office at 810-676-1031.
Welcome to the East China School District. By choosing ECSD, you have chosen a district that strives for excellence in all areas of your child’s education. We are committed to working with you and your child through educational successes and challenges.
The information below will help prepare you to enroll your child in our district. We hope you find the information you need but if you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Enrollment Specialist, Lisa Volkman, at (810) 676-1031.
Required Documentation - All required documentation, as listed below, must be presented in person by the parent or legal guardian at the time of enrollment. Birth certificates and immunization documentation must be in English. If the original documents are not in English, a certified translation must be provided at the time of enrollment. Required documentation includes:
Student’s original birth certificate
Parent/Guardian’s Driver’s License (or State ID showing photo identification of parent/guardian’s name and current address)
Student’s Immunization Records (up to date) – for further information regarding requirements, please visit cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/child-adolescent.html
Vision Screening (Kindergarten and Young Fives only)
Transcript of final grades (students in grades 9 – 12)
Special Education documents – current IEP (for students receiving special education services)
Residency documentation and verification
Enrollment Packet - Please download the applicable enrollment packet from the list below and complete all forms within the packet. If the forms do not apply to your student, please indicate Not Applicable (NA) on the form.
For homeowners (one of the following in addition to the driver’s license):
Property deed or current mortgage statement in the name of the person enrolling the student
Current property tax statement in the name of the person enrolling the student
Current utility bill within the last 30 days addressed to the person enrolling the student
For renters (both of the following in addition to the driver’s license):
Original, signed complete lease in the name of the person seeking to enroll the student
Current utility bill within the last 30 days addressed to the person enrolling the student
For those sharing housing (living in someone else’s home/apartment):
Letter signed by the Homeowner/Lease Holder and Applicant accompanied by –
Proof of residency, see above requirements
Copy of both parties driver’s licenses
If you are mailing in any enrollment information, please mail to:
East China School District
Attn: Enrollment Department
1585 Meisner Road
East China, MI 48054
Now Enrolling for Kindergarten and Young 5's

Parents may request to transfer their child to another school within the District other than their attendance area school. Please review the In-District School of Choice Guidelines for more information.
2025-2026 In-District School of Choice Application & Guidelines
Please note that In-District School of Choice requests will only be approved on a space availability basis and transportation is not provided. Mid-year transfers are permissible only under extenuating circumstances.
The East China School District is also proud to participate in the County Schools of Choice program. Students must reside within the boundaries of St. Clair County or one of its contiguous counties in order to apply. Assignment to schools and classrooms will be on a space available basis. For all Schools of Choice enrollments, the District reserves the right to refuse to enroll any nonresident applicant if that applicant is or has been suspended from another district within the preceding two (2) years of if the applicant has ever been expelled from another district.
The window period to apply for County Schools of Choice is set by St. Clair County RESA each semester. Please contact the Enrollment Office at (810) 676-1031 for specific dates.
Students enrolled through the Schools of Choice are eligible for continued enrollment in East China Schools through grade 12 as long as their enrollment in East China is continuous.